Category Archives: Blog- Pet on Board

Here is all you need to know if you wish to take your pet on board. You can take your pooch on flight with you but it comes with a set of rules and regulations- some you might be in your favour but some might not be.

Depending on the size and weight of your pet, you can take him/her along in cabin or in cargo. Read the blog to know all there is to know about pet on board.

There are only a few domestic airlines that permits pets and only Air India permits them in cabin. The rules for the pet in cabin are stricter and only a few can fit into the criteria. Read this blog to read about which pets are allowed in cabin and the ones that are not.


Pet Friendly Hotels for a Luxurious Stay

You are packing your bags and then you see your furry friend getting all twitchy. You look at those twinkling eyes and how you wish to never leave. All pet parents have been through this experience where they feel like taking their pet along but are unable to due various restrictions on pet travel and […]